Yup. I'm back. Again. Busy on many a thing.
I've decided it'd be easier for me to rant on a WEEKLY basis and not daily. On a Thursday (it is Thursday, isn't it?...). So check back (whoever bothers to read this) then.
So, this week I'm going to ramble on about Rhianna, British weather and storyline-less games.
I don't really link my music tastes to the main UK music chart at all, but I do like it when some decent music earns its place there. Or good, sparkling new potential.
However, the 'queen of the charts' for the past ten or eleven weeks hasn't impressed me at all (or most of my friends). Rhianna with her insecant 'Umbrella'. Which is really, really ironic seeing as the weather in the UK's been ruddy dreadful. For the past month it's been raining the majority of the time. I don't like really hot days either, but that's just ridiculous. I mean; what's the song trying to put across? The same as all other pop music, really. "Come and kiss me and sleep with me because I'm so awesome and fit and pretty and neneneh". What's the point? I've heard it all before. Music with substance and meaning only really make me react positively. Ones that spark your imagination, ones that create a different picture in the mind of every person who hears it. Provoke emotion, maybe, even. So, don't go buying all the crap in that tops the charts forever, people, 'cos it's rarely good. But no, that would require a brain cell...
Which then leads me onto games without meanings. My brother tends to like them a lot...Just fighting and fighting and fighting again. There's nothing to follow, nothing to do, other than punch this computerised...I don't know...cheese. And the graphics tend to be HORRIBLE. They make my eyes go 'boom' (doesn't help when the ruddy sound they make wakes me up at seven in the morning 'cos he's up at five).
Hmmph. Okay. You've read this far so you deserve a treat:

Kirby ^_^. Drawn by DisasterKirby on his/her DeviantART page.
~Dead Star; rock owns rave music.