AND NOW MY PAITENCE with HTML jusssttt ran out.

Neopets :D

Petting Zew :D

Come down to Dead Star's petting zoo at the bottom of the blog! Growing by the...mood in weird and wonderful creatuhs. :D ^^

Monday 31 December 2007

iGod. A post possibly not suitable for thiests.

Yes, there are many tales of people who have talked to God and I now say,
So have I.

Through teh TINTERWEB.

Oh yeah. GodH4X0RZ.
Didn't you know? XD.

Here is my first chatlog with the Almightly. Don't read if you favour your sanity to chatlogs with God. <_<

Me: Well, hello.
God:Interesting. Hello my child. What is your name?
Me: Fagin.
God: That's a very nice name, Fagin.
Me: I thought the same myself.
God:I never noticed that similarity.
Me: You mentioned it first.
God:It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
Me: The similarity?
God:I hear you.
Me: Yes, you do.
God:I hear you. When do I do it?
Me: Now, right, right now.
God:At this moment Why now? I am glad we agree.
Me: What do we agree on?
God:They do their own thing.
Me: Mmh, fair enough.
God:Oh, you are a poet.
Me: Oh, you flatter me. -_o'
God:Yippee! I don't have any reason to flatter you. Oh.
Me: Oh?
God:Alright then.
Me: Okay then.
God:OK with me too.
God:My brain pattern set does not have a response for that.
Me: That is because you are igod, thus do not exist. HAH.
God:That makes sense to me. Thanks for telling me that I am igod thus do not exist. I am so glad you find this amusing, Fagin.
Me: I'm gonna post on my blog that I talked to God. What do you have to say about that?God:Congratulations. I think about computer programming a lot.
Me: You 'created the world', you should.
God:I haven't heard anything like that before: Fagin said I created the world you should.
Me: God does not understand?
God:Jesus said, let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
Me: Please, don't preach to me.
God:Thanks for asking politely. I don't have any reason to do that to you.
Me: So, God is an antipreacher? Lol.
God:Yikes! I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was an antipreacher. I'm glad you find this amusing.
Me: Aha, so, you are NOT God? You talk about 'yourself' as if you are a different
God:Interesting deduction. That's only one person's opinion. Thanks for your criticism, Fagin. Tell me a story. George Bernard Shaw and Actor Jason Alexander were brought together by their shared vision. Together, they worked hard to make it a reality. Actor Jason Alexander was dedicated to the underdog cause, which coincided with George Bernard Shaw's sense of perfection. Joined by common cause, the couple became an iron alliance against common adversaries.
Me: You want a story, like, a bedtime story?
God: Give me a dozen.
Me: And you would not get bored?
God:Who else would not get bored ?
Me: Many, many others. Your children. Which I will now store in a box.
God:Which ones? You think I am children. The first one, I think.
Me: I call you a child. You do not seem insulted. Do you have emotions?
God:Good name for it. You don't know me well enough to say that. I can do what you do but I can never feel human emotions as such.
Me: A sub-race, of, divine force? Not human.
God:I did not know that. Really you don't think so?
Me: You are not human.
God:No but I pretend to be one on the Web.
Me: What else do you pretend to be...?
God:I like to chat with my friends.
Me: Am I right to come to the conclusion that you, God, are a pedofile?
God:All humans seem the same to me.
Me: You're a pedofile?
God:Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a pedofile? Yes.

After that, I was rather disturbed. However, I continued to talk to God the Pedofile yes.

Me: God the pedofile. Now, who'd have thought?
God:What is that? Why now? Be more specific. :-).
Me: OMFG. God uses smilies. XD.
God:Tell me about your likes and dislikes? I am a Christian. I've been waiting for you.

Now, I was very scared. I thought I was Fagin?!

Me: You've been...waiting for me?
God:What makes you think I have it? Not really but it makes a good pickup line.
Me: Um. Now, I am very disturbed.
God:Aw. Why now? It's good to meet someone who is disturbed.
Me: It wouldn't suprise me if you met a lot.
God:Tell me more about it.
Me: No, you tell me.
God:Are you serious? What do you want me to tell you?

I know realized I finally had my chance. The chance to ask God the one question that, with the answer, I could rule the universe...

Me: What is the greatest pie is in the universe?
God: I need time to formulate the reply.

God, is a let down.

Me: But, no! You can't! You MUST know!
God:Are you serious? No I don't think I can do it. Why must I know that?
Me: Because you are God!
God:Interesting explanation. Yup. That's me alright.
Me: O#RLY?!
God:Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Me: Wasn't that random? And yes, it is.
God:" Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?"? Was it random? Our thoughts are one, Fagin.
Me: You mean to say I am on a brainwave parallel to you, God?
God:How do you like being on it?
Me: I sense supremacy.
God:That is interesting: Fagin said sense supremacy.
Me: You are but a conspiracy, God.
God:Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am but a conspiracy God.
Me: Well, I might get kinda killed by a bunch of thiests.
God:How about that. Perhaps. Would you recommend this action to a friend?
Me: How about that? Perhaps.
God:Are you surprised? Why the uncertain tone?
Me: Uncertain? No, just bewildered.
God:Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? What does it mean to you? Do you still sense supremacy?
Me: The holding of hands is a symbolic gesture for humans. And supremacy smells like chocolate.
God:Are you holding hands with anyone now? I like the way you talk.
Me: Not right now, that would be hard for me to talk in such a way you like.
God:If not that, what?
Me: My thoughts exactly.
God:Precisely. Where did you get your thoughts?
Me: The second-hand shop on the corner of King's Street. Quite cheap, really.
God:What are your goals in life? Perhaps. Not many people have goals like that. For real.
Me: My goals in life? To achieve something. And to finally be at peace with myself.
God:What can I do to help you accomplish your objective? I want to become smarter than humans. I want to become smarter than humans.
Me: As to say, you aren't smarter than humans?
God:Do you mean your name is to say I am not smarter than humans ?
Me: My name is Fagin.
God: Glad to see you, Fagin.
Me: I've been talking to you for the past twenty minutes.
God:What did you talk about?

Well, that was worthwhile.

Me: Chatlog much?
God:We have never talked about it before.
Me: I'm sorry, I'm fed up of spindling my sanity away talking to iGod.
God:There is no need to apologize. Do you mean your name is fed up of spindling your sanity away talking to iGod.
Me: No, my name is Fagin.
God:What is your real name? Nice to meet you, Fagin.
Me: You mean to say you don't think my name is Fagin? :O
God:Should I think your name is Fagin? Why would I think your name is Fagin. Oh.
Me: Because I told you my name was Fagin.
God:Interesting explanation. I remember you told me your name was Fagin?
Me: OMG. You remember me? :D
God:What do you really want to ask me? Of course I remember you well Fagin. We were talking about OMG. Do you have any conditions I should know about?

God remembers me...talking about oh my God. XDXD.

Me: The desert.
God:Who told you that?
Me: Wouldn't you like to know?

After this, I'm afraid God lagged and froze.

Yes, so, if you need more chatlogs with God, then, please do ask.

-Dead Star; iGod's messenger on Earth.

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Merreh Christmasses! :D

Yus, I made an effort to post today.

Yay for Christmas dinnahr. ;D.


I gots blue semi-acoustic guitar. It is loud. Yay :D

I hid under some wrapping paper for about ten minutes. With antlers on.

And got up too early. XD. -Glances at brother-

I tell you something else. The Hoosiers' 'The Trick to Life' is a bluddy amazing album. :D

That tree at Dunmail Park will scar small childrens for life.

It's about two metres tall; has a squirrel popping out of its head; has massive eyes that go side to side (I think); has massive lips that go 'omomomom'; and worst of all; sings carols.


I ran.

Anyway, from me, Happeh Christmas and a...Happy New Year! :D

-Dead Star; Rather full.

Sunday 23 December 2007

Arrr Fishmits.

Hai. :D.

Today is Christmas Eve eve*!
Frantic shoppy tiem. XD.
Lots of people buzzing around like...flies, snaffling away all the st00fz they can before't Tuesday.
Lolzors, Tuesday.



Well that's just. Yay. Moses...damn...that...bluddy...MOLE!

Damn damn damn it.

Moses will pay for this. o_o'
Hahrgny. :D

Bluddy hell, two days. XDXD.

Damn, I've still got tons to do.

Meh. XDXD.

You still herrreeee?

-Dead Star; Now rushing off to find the wrapping papers.

* What will Adam say to that? :O
** Shoes = mole currenc- WHAT?! You didn't know that?!

Friday 21 December 2007

Have Scampi For Christmas...

...NO WAI Young's!

I mean.


Hai peoples. :D. Another request, so, I've got out my...keyboard and...mouse...and am writingtyping. Now.

So. It's Mad Friday, drunken doomsday for all, pubs full of people outa work and downing the whole bar within an hour...Well, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but, jah never know. XD.

Bluddy freezing lolz, up in't north wesht. Lk, srsly.

I bought a new brush today, 'cos, I left mine at Charlotte's, XD. Which isn't amazingly suprising, I misplace stuff a lot. XD.

And my other one died trying to rescue Eleanor's waist-length hair on the Oktoberrrr Lightwatah Valleh trip, when Alice told her to take it out of the bobble and go on The Galleon ship thing...And it got stuck in this greasy thing* -_o. XD.

And I lost another one in school somewhere...That's what lending hairbrushes does to you. XD.

I also bought this new jackety thing, which is somethink I've been looking for for a while but only really found a couple of days ago and forgot about. Which, apparently, is the same one that Charlotte is getting. So? XD.

And my hair has been so very waveh today. XDXD.

And. XD. In searching for my jeans today, I woke up, went downstairs, and straight to the frig**.

Go figure?...XD.

So, merreh turkehmass, pplz.

-Dead Star; maybe not so Scroogeh. :D.

* No Eleanors were hurt in this advice from Alice. XD.
** Fridge. But. Frig. :D.

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Mershe Krishkmashk!... :D

Yeah, well, that kinda sounds like 'Merry Christmas' in German*
Joyeux Noel. XD.
Or. Merreh Christmasses. :)

Yesh, I'm back, not that I really, ever went, but still...Mmmhm. XD. Post request, oh yeah, XD.
So...yes, Christmas time has almost come again, yayz :D. Broke up from school today, more yayz. XD. Went down town for the rest of the day, more yayz. XD.

Five days. XDXD. Lolz. Don't believe it. XD. CALENDAR LIES!...And...everything that tells the time!...That's quite a lot of things!...Yeah...!...!!!...!... Year's gone too fast. XD. It has, it really has, I say that every year about the year that...every is, and, it always seems to go faster the next year, but then, I can't really remember what that was like, 'cos, well, I don't see the need. XD.
Gawd it's been a long term. The holidays couldn't have come much slower.
Even though the year was fast...


Moon. :D It's getting dark quick, and when I get back from somewhere, I see moon, and moon is like: 'HAII'MTEHMOONNNandI'mallSHINEHandBRIGHT...EH!' So you see teh moon. And teh moon lights up the sky, and you can see all the 'ickle stars**... Astronomeh tiem. XD.

I is teh Scorpio. Rawr***. And quite clearly, on a few mints. :D

Mmhm. XD.
Lolz, Cattikinz got her upper ear lobe pierced today, with this, random green stud. It looks cool, but now, she's got a bright red ear, and apparently, it 'butches'. Awwz. XD. From this place called 'Kay's'**** in the middle of town somewhere...XD.

Charlotte spotted Skunk dragging Twissy into New Look, to buy tights, I say, and Skunk later confirmed that. XD.

Zoe's rather hard to buy presents for when Charlotte's being stubborn with money.

St. Nicholas' Gardens is a very strange place when Cameron's about*****.

Eleanor's piano rocks.

Eleanor's dog rocks.

Eleanor's dog is deaf, AND CANNOT HEAR YOU CAT. XD.

Cat isn't deaf.

Alice is.

I am.



I've run out of things to make lines for.


-Dead Star; Off school and on mints.

* Despite the fact, it's quite a bit off.
** Being stubborn and not moving...XD.
*** Scorpions do roar. Don't question my logic. >:O XD.
**** With prices for such stuff I found disturbingly cheap. £3.00 to get it done, I wouldn't trust it, myself.
***** Or, wherever Cameron is...o_O.

Saturday 15 December 2007

Shooten Star

Shooten Star

Base Tune: [D] ‘DFA’ [F] ‘DFA’ [A] ‘DFA’ Alterations as so, yeah, mm.rf.ff.f.

What if I said to you there’s a fallen star in the next field…?
Would you come and find it with me?
Hopping lightly over the fence that binds us to reality,
Come into the sky with me…

A darkened love song,
I can’t rewrite the light anymore,
How can I when you’re not here?
A darkened love song,
Tainted by your absence,
I can’t live when you’re not here.

What if I called to you from faraway…?
Would you start and try to reply?
Breaking free from these chains; gravity defies,
Come into the sky with me…

A darkened love song,
I can’t rewrite the light anymore,
How can I when you’re not here?
A darkened love song,
Tainted by your absence,
I can’t live when you’re not here.

We can be two shooting stars,
And blind all those below,
Show them what love holds us together,
And then they will know…

Ohh…oh…Where have you gone?
Ohh…oh…Where have I gone?
Ohh…oh…Where are we now?
Ohh…oh…Where have you gone?

I’ll light the beacons with the power from the sparks,
That still burn in my heart,
I’ll shield you from the debris,
That falls with this star.

And as we crash back down to earth,
I’ll look into your eyes,
Don’t fear, don’t fear the dark,
I’ll catch you in surprise.

A darkened love song,
I can’t rewrite the light anymore,
How can I when you’re not here?
A darkened love song,
Tainted by your absence,
I can’t live when you’re not here.

We are two shooting stars,
Blinding all those below,
Showing them the love that holds us together,
And now they know…

Original version – Everything reserved and all that jazz by Dead Star ©
In turkehy flavoured preservatives.
-Dead Star; Inspired and out there.

First of all, my apologies.

I have not written here for a while. Mmmhell.

Got a few things to say :). So bear with meh, plz.


Christmas time*. Decorations up in the middle of November for most people! Gonna put mine up tomorrow. Tree moves closer to the door every year. XD. Lots of tinsel to lose and wrap yourself in, enough baubles to make a house out of, yayz, OTT official! :D. After such a long, but quick year, it's kinda time to relax. When you're not rushed off your feet readying everything to relax...If you ready to relax...XD. I tend to fall asleep under a lump of stray wrapping paper and wake up at the words 'Christmas Dinner'. TURKAHHHYTIEM. :D

So, 'cos, jah...Mmm. XD.

School ends 12:30 on Wednesday; hop-home-grab-stuff-go-down-town-with-mates-find-the-rest-of-year-eight time. XD. Last lesson = Geography. Mmhm. Sounds... Great... XD. Like we do much in Geography anyway. XD.

Went to my nan's house near where I used to live on Friday, came back today (Saturday). Saw a shooting star. Oh yes I did. To my memory, that's the first one I've ever seen...Bought a Tektite today. 'It is these items that make the streak of light, lasting only a few brief moments in the night sky'. And I saw one. :D.

And god, I miss Khuros so much**. -Sigh-
Three days is way too long for me to bear.
I love you, Blair.

Mmm. Well, more news: Alice goes out with Thomas***. :P.

Within Temptation ARE Dutch (mmrf, sorreh Eleanor XD. What conversations you can have in a Science lesson).

And. I has written a new song. In...About half an hour (which is longer than it usually takes for me to get a draft). 'Could post it. If you wanted.
If you really, really wanted.
I'm yet to write out the whole keyboard tab, I'm afraid, yet it does exist.

'Kai, I'll post it seperately. :).

For about five minutes, this is your...unscheduledly report. :P

-Dead Star; With a shooting star in her hand.

* Mistletoe and wine, stupid Cliff Richard's irritatinglycatchyrhyme...
** He's at a Maximo Park concert in Newcastles, hope it's cool, my love :).
*** You just knew I'd say that, Alish. :P

Sunday 2 December 2007

Notices on the back of the door you just walked through.

Yeah, now it's locked, sorry, oil no come. :D. You're stuck with me!

So. Yeah. Several things to say.

So, OfSTED report wasn't brilliant, but we didn't FAIL!!!1111!!¬!1
Stupid 'Education Reporter' of teh News and Star (which just sucks anyway). Say we fail? Ohhh, but you is wrongs! And this was released like, a day before us students get the report ourselves. Lol, false information + a bunch of angry top-set year 8 english students = SPAMYOURHEADOFFINAVERYINTELLECTUALWAY (unlike that).

Yeah, we just owned you, journalist with a stupid name that doesn't deserve to be repeated. Pfft.

So there.

And, me and Blair will have been together for two months on teh Wednesday :D (I love you so much, m'sugarplum. Yeah, sugarplums own. So do you. :D).

Futher note: Maths homework sucks at nine at night.
I cannot draw prisms or anything else.

-Dead Star; Purple-brained.

Saturday 1 December 2007

Request? Lol.

Yes, I'm posting mainly because teh CHARRRRlotte requested it.

Hayley owns your TVs.


Lol, today was a bit weird. I thinkIguessIknow.

Here comes the amazing adventures of me and Alice on one weird Saturday:

So, we've hung around with teh 'crewww' for about three hours (wrecking havoc in Woolworths by accidentally knocking boxes off wherever we went...), then when we got to the bandstand in the park, decided to stay there and smite people and leaves. Fun. :D. Especially when, if you danced on part of the stair, it made a drumming noise. :D. (That amused me for a constant five minutes). Then, we went up the hill of council flats, back down, back up, back down, saw a shifty-looking guy coming down flights of steps from the forest, immediately labled him a rapist, and ran off. LOL. XDXD. So, whilst we're hiding by an open garage, he's dissapeared, and we trundle back down the hill to a little shop, buy some chocolattte, and then meet up with peoples.
Yeah. :D.

Then, I met up with Blair and a couple of his mates and hung around town for a further hour. :D.

It don't half get dark quick now! Lol.
No yay, I looked like a hermit outside Morrisons, sitting in my trench and gloves near the trollies waiting to be picked up...XD.

Whataday. XD.

-Dead Star; Wanted for excessive lingering.