"Lord knows, it would be the first time" in a while...
...Sorry people! I have found out I'm imaginary (and so are my readers so, it figures).
I've been prodding Wikipedia (with a spork >:D) of information whilst I was trying to find a name for a school in my story, and gave up when I found:

Red spray paint *Beloved*
Anyhow, you're not getting anything sane from me today, I've been walking around my house using a broom like one of those little cane things that those people on stages dance with and singing a song about how I was having pie tonight (it was quieche, actually, but it rhymed with 'hi' so there).
I was.
It didn't spin me around very well, though, I nearly crashed into the wall.
There we go. I've added another one in the sentence (or two, or three) above so this won't really apply anymore...I've just wasted five seconds of your life AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING IT BACK!
-Dead Star; changing Wikehpedia one word at a time.
* :O Wikipedia has left out some information... >:D nobody leaves out information on Muse...So here you go:

We can now rest in knowing I won't errupt for another three hours and thir... twenty-nine minutes.
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