Okay. Education.
Primary Education.
I love the fact that Tony B (who'll be leaving 10 Downing Street soon) and all that politics jazz are promoting the 'education' bizz. But what has really been done about it?
I know, when I had my year 6 SATs booster sessions, because the mixed ability group was just that (I mean, vast differences) I never really learnt that more than I already knew.
And when I get to Secondary, I get asked if I know of something in Science.
'Miss never taught us science, sir. She didn't know 'out about it, sir.'
It's quite unnerving.
And yet, are there improvements? Somewhere along the system, is it really working? Are those special needs kiddies getting all the help they should? Or can schools just not provide it anymore?
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

School councillors. Yeah. World from a la'l person's pointa-view. Through a child's eyes; their experiences can be very powerful, and more interactive than any adult's ever could be.
So maybe, maybe it might just work.
-Dead Star, ex-councillor of year three, four, and now in year eight.
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