- Muse, Citizen Erased (yeah, I know the parody title's corny...)
It seems to be a competition between teenagers and young women to be the thinnest. I don't see what it really achieves; I'm that age and I think visable ribs and stickness-ness is just rather revolting. Curves own all, and they don't kill you!
Anyhow. There are an increasing library of documentaries on the subject; female journalists and peoples have been going on 'Size Zero' diets to try and achieve it in a very small period; and it was horrific what happened to them. Not only did they look bad, they felt it too; utterly drained. What image are new-age designers trying to promote? Next everything'll be brown with leaves sticking off it to go with it*!
Part of one of the documentaries I watched (as you've gathered, I watch a lot of these things. It's nightmarish what happens,) showed the journalist woman going to a modelling agent. It stated about the recent deaths of two models due to anorexia-related disorders; and yet, it seems the world doesn't care. They continue pushing girls thinner; and that's really just to fit in their clothes. I don't believe in being stick thin and I'm not afraid to admit I am not; as I was in New Look one day I had to get an item about three sizes bigger than what I should average at. It's ridiculous. Anyway, this agent dude said that even if a young girl who was very pretty came in, but she couldn't fit in the clothes, she'd be turned down.
It's ironic, no? Makes you wonder what goes through these people's heads.
And as the competition continues, there will be a smaller size. I mean; say you have a friend who's naturally thin, but that's because she's rather small. And you're rather tall; and not so naturally thin. Trying to make yourself like her will end up taking you to disasterous extremes; death being one of them.
In another documentary there was this special place set up for ghastly anorexic girls, to try and get them back on track with how they should be. One of those girls was TWELVE.
Please, heed my warning.
-Dead Star;
*Yes, I mean a twig. You twig.
If you've read this far, I believe you deserve a treat. To one of the greatest B-Sides in the world (yes, it's only a B-Side! I was shocked also) it's Muse with Easily!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU-d5vdrn2E(Sorry, I haven't figured how to actually get it to work on the page; meh.)